
Our school has a lovely smart uniform which is available from Mr Cricket. Our uniform has been specifically chosen for its comfort and practicality and takes into consideration the needs of pupils with sensory processing difficulties and dyspraxia.

You can order the uniform over the phone by ringing 01638 741611 or online at: http://www.mrcricketshop.co.uk/

We expect all children to purchase the correct uniform and to wear it with pride.

Please note that the hoodie is strictly for PE and should be worn on PE days only.

Pupils may choose to wear a knee length skirt or trousers (dark grey) no leggings please.

Blue and white gingham summer dresses are optional during the summer term which can be purchased from any reputable supplier.

Black school shoes are required when in the school building (not trainers). Outdoor footwear e.g.trainers or wellington boots are required for breaks and forest school. Trainers need to be worn for PE.

Hair accessories to be small and simple in black or blue ( school uniform colours )

Jewellery should not be worn, except for a watch.

Children must have sensible hair cut styles; the extremes of colour are not excepted.